Pallekele International Cricket Stadium Weather on 2nd September

The weather report for Pallekele International Cricket Stadium on September 2nd, 2023 says it will mostly be sunny and warm. The highest temperature will be 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the lowest will be 73 degrees Fahrenheit. There won’t be any rain, and the air will feel a bit damp with about 70% humidity. The wind will blow at 10 miles per hour from the west.

The sun will come up at 6:05 AM and go down at 6:15 PM. This means there will be daylight for 12 hours and 10 minutes.

WeatherMostly Sunny
High Temperature80°F
Low Temperature73°F
HumidityAround 70%
Wind Speed10 mph (from the west)
Sunrise6:05 AM
Sunset6:15 PM
Daylight Duration12 hours and 10 minutes

These weather conditions are great for playing cricket. The sun will shine, and the air will be dry, making it comfortable for both players and people watching. The wind won’t be strong, so bowlers should be able to throw the ball well.

If you’re going to watch the cricket match at Pallekele International Cricket Stadium on September 2nd, make sure to wear light clothes and use sunscreen. It might be a good idea to wear a hat and sunglasses too, to protect yourself from the sun.

Keep these things in mind about the weather on September 2nd, 2023:

  • The temperature could be a little higher or lower than predicted.
  • There’s a small chance of rain, but it probably won’t affect the match.
  • The wind might be stronger or weaker than expected.
  • It’s smart to check the weather report again on the match day to get the newest information.


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