Anna University Results 2023 Student Login

The Anna University results for the 2022-2023 academic year are out now! You can totally check them online on the official Anna University website, which is, or you can also use

To find out how you did, just follow these simple steps:

  1. First, go to the Anna University official website.
  2. Then, click on the “Results” section. It’s like a tab you can click.
  3. After that, pick the academic year 2022-2023. That’s when we were doing our thing!
  4. Now, type in your registration number and roll number. Those are like your special ID numbers.
  5. Hit the “Submit” button, and guess what? Your results will pop up right on the screen. Cool, right? You can even save a copy on your device for later.

Oh, and here’s some more cool stuff to know:

  • You can use a computer or your phone to check the results. So, no worries about that.
  • Remember, you need your registration number and roll number to see your results. Keep those safe!
  • If you can’t remember those numbers, just reach out to your college or the Anna University examination cell. They’ll help you out.
  • Your results will show up in a PDF format, which is like a digital document.
  • And hey, if you want to save your results on your device, just tap the “Download” button.

Hope this info is helpful! Here are a few extra tips:

  • Make sure you choose the right academic year, okay?
  • Type in your registration number and roll number super carefully.
  • If you’re stuck or confused, don’t stress! Just get in touch with your college or the Anna University examination cell. They’ve got your back.


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