karpoori thakur biography: A People’s Leader

Early Life and Activism

Karpoori Thakur, born on January 24, 1924, in Bihar, was a prominent Indian politician and freedom fighter. His dedication to the people earned him the title “Jan Nayak” (people’s hero). The Government of India posthumously awarded him the Bharat Ratna in 2024¹.

Thakur, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, actively participated in the Quit India Movement, spending 26 months in prison for his role in the independence struggle. His political journey began as a member of the Bihar Vidhan Sabha in 1952, representing the Socialist Party. Thakur’s commitment to social justice and the welfare of the masses shaped his political career².

Education and Political Career

Thakur, influenced by Satyanarayan Sinha, was an active member of the All India Students Federation. He resigned from his college to join the Quit India Movement, showcasing his dedication to India’s freedom¹². Despite facing imprisonment, Thakur continued his pursuit of education and later worked as a teacher in his village’s school.

Full NameKarpoori Thakur
Birth DateJanuary 24, 1924
BirthplacePitaunjhia village, Samastipur District, Bihar
Political CareerTwo terms as the 11th Chief Minister of Bihar
Freedom FighterParticipated in the Quit India Movement and spent 26 months in prison
Educational BackgroundJoined All India Students Federation, left college for Quit India Movement, worked as a teacher
Political AffiliationSocialist Party candidate, Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, Chief Minister of Bihar
Awards and HonorsPosthumously awarded Bharat Ratna in 2024
Policy InitiativesChampioned Hindi language, removed English as a compulsory subject, enforced total prohibition of alcohol in Bihar
LegacyAdvocate for the underprivileged, established schools and colleges in backward areas, dedicated to the welfare of the masses
InfluenceInspired by Mahatma Gandhi and Satyanarayan Sinha
Highest Civilian HonorBharat Ratna
Death DateIn 2024 (Posthumous Bharat Ratna)

In 1960, he faced arrest for leading P & T employees during a general strike, demonstrating his commitment to workers’ rights. Thakur’s political journey saw him become a minister and Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar before becoming the state’s first non-Congress socialist Chief Minister in 1970. During his tenure, he implemented significant educational reforms, advocating for Hindi and removing English as a compulsory subject¹.

Champion of the Underprivileged

Karpoori Thakur’s impact extended beyond politics. He championed the cause of the underprivileged and tirelessly worked to uplift the downtrodden. His policies reflected a commitment to creating a more equitable society, focusing on education and social welfare².


Legacy and Influence

Thakur’s legacy endures as a source of inspiration for generations. His dedication to the people and social justice left an indelible mark on Indian politics. Thakur’s influence can be traced through the schools and colleges established in Bihar in his name, particularly in backward areas, demonstrating his commitment to accessible education for all¹.

In conclusion, Karpoori Thakur’s life exemplifies the spirit of a true leader who devoted himself to the service of the people. His contributions continue to inspire and guide those who seek to create positive change in society.

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